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heavenly palace中文是什么意思

用"heavenly palace"造句"heavenly palace"怎么读"heavenly palace" in a sentence


  • 天宫


  • So saying , he leapt into the clouds . the others followed closely and flew towards the heavenly palace
  • A kind - hearted maid of the heavenly palace went down to the world hurriedly and told everybody about the news
  • Being far outnumbered , the four dragons could not defend themselves , and they were soon arrested and brought back to the heavenly palace
  • The two adventurers successfully enter the heavenly palace , a fortress loaded with death traps and unspeakable evils , as jack comes face - to - face with his past
    J a c k成饰严守职业道德的考古家,其梦境中总有一位古代公主出现。
  • Master even distributed fragrant flowers to everyone . instantly , her love transformed the little hospital room into a fragrant heavenly palace filled with the sounds of music
  • Wearing a jade inlaid crown and a glittering diamond imperial robe , the butterfly looks both majestic and romantic , like a prince venturing into the middle of a beautiful , heavenly palace
用"heavenly palace"造句  
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